远古时期,人们为了计数,学会打绳结,刻正字来记录。到了秦汉时期,中国第一部数学著作《九章算术》的诞生,为以后的数学发展起到了划时代的意义。In ancient times, in order to count, people learned to tie knots and engraved orthographic records. In the Qin and Han dynasties, the birth of China's first mathematical work, "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic," played an epoch-making significance for the future development of mathematics.
到了现代,因为工业文明的发展,发明出了计算器,计算机等计算工具。人们过度的依赖于计算工具,而导致口心算能力下降。以欧美学生为例,做数学题或者数学考试的时候都使用计算器。In modern times, because of the development of industrial civilization, calculators, computers and other computing tools have been invented. People rely too much on computing tools, which reduces their ability to perform mental arithmetic. Taking European and American students as examples, they use calculators when doing math problems or math exams.
如何让孩子喜欢上加减乘除呢?三素棋的发明,以三种元素,三个不同色的数字够成三角形展开运算去得到棋盘上对应的数字得取分数。使孩子在游戏中就能锻炼口心算能力。How to make children like to add, subtract, multiply and divide? The invention of the San Su chess, with three elements, three different colored numbers is enough to form a triangle to expand the operation to get the corresponding number on the board to get points. Allows children to exercise their mental arithmetic in games.
因为三素棋需要三个人玩,一家三口丢掉手机,电脑等电子产品,其乐融融的在一起玩游戏,使家人之间的互动越来越多,三素期将在2020年前登录亚洲市场,2021年前登录全球市场。Because San Su chess need three people to play, a family can give up their mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, and they play games together happily, making the interaction between family members more and more. San Su chess will enter the Asia market on 2020,will enter the global market will in 2021.
TV动画《火影忍者:博人传之火影次世代》新宣传绘公开 4月5日开播